
This afternoon we had 2 waves of storms roll through.  Both storms had major lightening & beautiful rolling thunder.  The plains of the Missouri Mississippi River Delta creates thunder like I’ve heard nowhere else in my travels.  It seems to come and go and roll on and on in a rumble.  I love the kinds of storms with less severe weather, but lots of lightening. 

As the next wave of storms started to roll through.  I took the few minutes before it got bad to do yoga on my wooden front porch.  I let the wind blow into my face by positioning my body so it went directly into my body letting it embrace me and wisp my face.  I did a few easy poses.  I think I did tree, warrior, superhero, sun salutation, and so on.  It was amazing. 

I see lightening starting to flash while I’m in thanks, though my eyes are closed in meditation while standing.  As I say thank you, I got the most beautiful thunder boom.  It was as if the universe had said you’re welcome for the peace you just recieved. 

Honestly I was at peace.  I suffer from chronic anxiety.  Fitness helps instead of medicine for the anxiety, but meditation is where it’s at.  To me thunder is incredibly relaxing.  I want to sleep or meditate when I hear it.  This was a moment this evening I wanted to share with you all. 

Take a moment to soak in the small amazing things we often overlook.