




PERSONAL DIARY: “Changes Yet Again”



As you can see I am pretty lean right now because this picture was taken today.  I was prepared for the Miss Street Machine Nationals in Duquoin, Illinois. That was going to be tomorrow at 2:30 p.m., but plans have changed yet again. You know I love it when plans change! 

I had registered with the Miss Street Machine Nationals. Then one thing after another seemed to fall apart. The air goes out on both of my vehicles. My friend volunteers to drive his Dodge extended-cab pickup truck with air. Then his air goes out on his pickup also. I was going to have have a spray tan, so the thought of driving four and a half hours into Illinois  seemed ridiculous. My tan would have melted off by the time I got there. 

I guess the thing that made me decide to change my mind was when I watched the weather last night. My worst fear was my tan melting off, but then I find out it’s going to rain up there at the time of the competition.  At that point I realized it was pointless to even go. So I decided not to go.

It would have been fun to go and see 3,000 hot rods. It would have been great practice for posing for NPC. It just didn’t seem worth it for my point of view. I also got the opinion of my good friend Brittany Lynn from Las Vegas, Nevada. She agreed it was pointless to go.

So I did a mini prep for nothing, but then again a good practice for discipline and willpower.  I slimmed up a bit in the process, & so I’m pretty well good to go on bikini season at the pool! 

I’m not bummed, everything happens for a reason, and this just wasn’t meant to be.






My friend’s mother died of brain cancer a couple months back. She was given four weeks to live. I got to thinking about what it must be like to only be given a certain amount of time to live, and know that the death date would be right around the corner. 

If I was given 6 months to live what would I do differently? If you were given 6 months to live what would you do differently? Would you have the same job? Would you still be worried about the silly things you worried about now? Why do we need an announcement from death on our door in order to live? Why does death need to find us in order for us to decide to want to live? Most importantly, why do we need death to remind us to live with integrity? 

Most of us live a lie. When you have not structured your life so that it can have meaning and value for you, you will be willing to throw away your life for literally anything.


Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, a job you hate, or a relationship that’s wrong for you; if you have no meaning in your life those things can become a reality.  You act out of mediocrity for so long it begins to define who you are.  Those horrible things should never define a person.  Everyone fears change.  I myself, hate change.  I live by my planner, so if you’re not written in it ain’t going to happen!  Not to mention, since the car accident my memory isn’t what it used to be. 

Most people stay at jobs they’re miserable at for the simple fact that the fear of changing jobs over rules their drive.  Some people stay in unfullfilling relationships that are so wrong in so many ways for them because the fear of being alone outweighs the obvious. 


Sometimes in order to see the daisies that life gives us we have to be willing to change.  A person must be willing to change the city they live in, change the friends & bad influences they surround themselves with, change their relationship status for the better life for themselves, or the job that makes them not want to rise up in the morning in order for them to feel fulfilled. 

If it doesn’t add to your life, why waste your time on it?  Life isn’t promised to us in manner.  Why do we need death to come knocking ar our door for us to live with fulfillment & happiness.  Fear not change.  Fear the life of the mediocre.  To live in misery is to live within the hell you call life.  Life is not hell, life can be a beautiful thing once the kettlebell of fear is removed from your belt.  Don’t miss a great life changing moment because you feared what COULD happen. 

MY OPINIONS: Why Do We Fail?


How easy is it for us to blame everyone and everything that’s wrong in our own lives?  We look around ourselves and we find that we are unhappy with the life that only we chose to create.  Then there are those that look down on you for being successful and happy and they are the ones that are unhappy with their own lives.  There is such a thing as being a great and positive person with the best of intentions towards everyone and everything, and then stuff gets rough and you can’t seem to catch a break.  Who doesn’t this happen to? I know what happens to me on a daily basis.  One minute things are great and you’re in heaven, and then the next minute it seems like your life is hell.

If you look for pain, dysfunction, drama, being broke, and struggling that means you have looked for every excuse in the book to why you’re not successful.  It’s not your childhood or the environment you grew up in because I know some of the most successful in America, & those people are people that have grown up in the worst shitholes of America.  Don’t be that lazy bum person that’s full of excuses as to why you’re not winning. You are the only reason you’re not winning in life.  This blog isn’t to tear you down, but rather open your eyes.

You can do the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results, but five years later you will still be where you are today.  The other option to that horrible situation is that you look up at the mountain in front of you. You can start today to climb that mountain and eventually reach its peak. Maybe not now, but definitely!

I know it’s not easy. Nothing good ever came easy. I’ve been told that my dreams are pipe dreams and that I cannot achieve my dreams. I’ve been told there’s no possible way to achieve my goals and that the things in life that I want I will never be able to do or have.  Why? Because your dream died? Mine shouldn’t live? Oh! But my dream will live!  I’m going to fight back for what I believe in, what I want to achieve, my own dreams, and my goals. I’m not just fighting for myself! I’m fighting for my friends, my family, and I will make certain I will fight back!

See, the crazy thing about greatness and being a champion, is that no one expected anyone to make it. In that same breath I go out, and I do it anyway just to prove them wrong.  Greatness isn’t about having money. Greatness is about the achievements, about doing something great for others, doing stuff when others doubt it, it’s about listening to the doubters, and making those doubters eat their words.  Today and each and every day hereafter is the day I will walk all over my enemies. I will reach that moment in my life when I become that person that others can look to and say she went through it and I can do it too.  As humans we feed off one another. As humans we tend to look up to someone that’s great like they’re special, but they’re just like everyone else. Everyone is imperfect.  Even I have people that I look up too, so that means each and everyone of you are exactly like me.

Each day I’m tested by life in a like manner. If I persist and I continue to try to move forward I will succeed!  I’m not a sheep needing prodded by my shepherd. I’m alone, and I don’t live or lie down with the sheep. 

I will not hear those who weep or complain. For those who weep and complain are a disease, and that disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep with the rest of the flock. This is not a house of failure, and I will persist until I succeed! Never will I consider defeat even though I know it will happen.  When defeat finds me it will not define me, and it will make me stronger.  The words I can’t or impossible are simply words of fools. Those foolish words will simply be ripped from my vocabulary forever.

I will toil forever and always keeping mine eyes on the gold and the prize at the end of the road.  I know from where the driest desert ends, the new world will arise for myself. I will try again and again defeating each obstacle. I’ll consider every obstacle and derailment a mere detour and challenge to my own profession.

Don’t let the biggest enemy be the enemy within your own mind. I know for myself my own mind is my worst enemy. Whether it’s working out, cleaning the house, or just doing something stupid I have to be the hardest person on myself. I really don’t even give my husband the opportunity to get all over me for anything because I’m so hard on myself.  I’ve slowly come to realize that I am my own enemy half of the time. The other half comes from the BS you put with from everyone else.

As I have said at the end of some of my other post… in the Cowboys locker room it says be your best regardless of the circumstances!

PRODUCT REVIEW: EVL Nutrition’s Lean Stack



I received this stack from EVL Nutrition in a promotional test to see what I thought.  I went to the EVL Nutrition’s website, where the first thing that caught my eye was bodybuilding’s 2015 supplement breakout brand of the year.



This is EVL Nutrition’s Weight Loss Stack.  The stack includes a bottle of Transform as well as Leanmode.  Leanmode is stimulant free so it is perfect to stack with any pre-workout.  This product does appetite control, metabolism boosting, fat burning, energy-boosting, and mood enhancing. 

Transform will be a thermogenic fat loss formula.  It is scientifically engineered to burn fat, craving control, metabolism-boosting, and increased energy. This supplement does have caffeine and other stimulants in it.


Pictured above is my stack setting on my supplements shelf.  Below is a picture of one dose of each in my hand.


Transform, as far as the stimulant, isn’t so extreme that you feel tweaked out all the time. The crash from Transform isn’t as intense as some pre-workouts I’ve taken. In some sense, that’s not a bad thing, because if you’re not wanting to crush it in the gym for two to three hours there’s no point not an extreme stimulant pre-workout.  For those just dabbling in pre-workouts this is a perfect snack for you. The great thing about Leanmode is the fact that it is stimulant free and you can easily stack it with any other pre-workout that you might take of a different brand.

Seeing as I got this free I did research on the pricing on two different websites. How did the pricing for a EVL Nutritions website as well as’s website.  Below will be screenshots of their websites with pricing, and below that will be links to their both their websites.


EVL Nutrition’s Website



Bodybuilding.Com Website

I did not want to do this review till after I’d taken the entire stack. With this stack I was capable of maintaining great muscle mass while leaning out all at the same time. The water loss on these products was amazing!  I don’t look at the scale as far as my weight going down because I’m trying to build muscle mass, my weight went up 5 pounds and I dropped a pant size.  So for me that’s perfect!

If you’re new to bodybuilding or wanting to lose weight this stack is perfect for you. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder such as myself this stack might be a little less than what you’re needing. If anything, it’s worth a try because it was worth the time for me. Plus the product is not expensive. So if you don’t like it you’re not out a ton of money! 

The average rating on ranged from 9.1-9.8.  Not a bad statistic for!

PRODUCT REVIEW: EFX Sport Joint Support Topical Cream



I had never heard of EFX SPORTS before in my entire life.  I first came across them on a Facebook post. It was one of those contests that you always see entering by liking the page, commenting, and sharing in hopes to actually win something.  I have won stuff on Facebook, like from Tropical Glamour Boutique in Kennett, Missouri.   So when I got my package in the mail I was rather surprised! Let me show you what they actually sent me!


Yea! I know right! That’s a ton of shit! That tiny bottle in the center of the picture, that’s going to be the topic of this whole blog post!


This is a picture from their website. As you can clearly see they offer a package joint rehab support kit. It comes with joint support tabs along with the topical analgesic. I take Osteo Bi-Flex constantly, so I’m hoping at some point to be able to try their joint support and see if it works better than Osteo Bi-Flex. What I did get in my freebie pack from their online contest, was the topical analgesic that is also offered in their pack on their website.  Plus, as you clearly see in the picture it’s on sale and cheaper than buying Osteo Bi-Flex. 

I took a few pictures of their website to show what they say about this joint support kit. The pictures are below.


If you buy, tell the Brittany Luppy sent you and they will hook you up.  *NOT A SPONSOR* If you want to to thir site now here it is, jyst click this link:

Now for my review.  I’m going to rave on EFX Sports prices on this one. I have religiously used Voltaren gel which is prescription for over 4 years.  It’s a topical NSAID. You cannot over use that product just like you couldn’t overuse ibuprofen or Tylenol.  Since receiving this product for free through the mail, my husband and I both have use this product religiously. We have used it so much that I’m almost out and I’m not happy about it. Hey, EFX I’m about out if you want to send me some more hook me up! 

My husband and I have both agreed that this product is better than Voltaren gel. I did not do the test just on myself but both my husband and myself did this experiment. He too has joint problems so I thought what a better way to see if the product really works is to let a second person have an opinion on the product. His opinion is exactly like mine.

I will be buying more of this product along with their pills in their kit. If the lotion works that well, then I want to see what the rest of the kit does also. 

The only thing different I can find in this product that makes it different than any other topical cream I’ve used is this….. somehow in this cream they have put a patented pH controled matrix containing kre-alkaline which is buffered creatine monohydrate bonded to Ester fat fatty acids! 

Below are the pictures of my product. Give it a try!



DERAILMENT TO GOALS: Car Crash “Hall of Memories”


I remember grabbing my beautiful daughters hand. After grabbing my daughter’s hand, I passed out into unconsciousness. What I’m about to tell you I saw I cannot tell you for sure if it was a dream or something of a higher power.

Somewhere between the ride the ambulance & being put in the ICU, I had a dream.  I’m not going to sit here and say I saw my body and I was above it. Nor did I ever have any visions of my loved ones around me or anything of that nature. 

I was in this very long corridor. The corridor was not creepy or uncomfortable. The corridor was filled with happiness, compassion, and unconditional love.  Some of the psychological community would say that it was my consciousness coming through in my dreams. Some of the faith-based world would say I had a near-death experience. I don’t know what I saw. All I know is I can explain what I saw.


I was walking down this corridor and all around me were hologram like videos of happy moments in my life.  My wedding, the birth of my daughter, moments with my mother and my father, laughter between my loving husband and I, and all the silly moments between my daughter and I we’re playing all around me as I walk down this beautiful corridor.

The corridor begins to slowly fade into a mist.  There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and I keep just moving forward to it. I knew I needed to keep walking because I could slowly see someone coming in the distance.   As I walked towards this beautiful light I take in the beauty which is around me. The beauty I see is nothing in comparison to anything I’ve seen here on Earth. The feeling of being in this majestical place gave me such peace.  I see a face on the person coming to me in the distance.


It’s my bub, Jason Wakeford!  I’m so excited! I waited so long just to see him & talk to him. Since his death, it has felt like half of me was ripped away.  I ran to him because all I want to do is give him the big bear hug I was always used to in the past.

He stops me and says come no further.  I am crying saying I just want my bub bear hug!  He tells me to come no further, for to hug him would mean for me to leave behind a life I was not through with yet.  He speaks of my daughter & my husband, whom was his best friend.  He told me they needed me.  I didn’t understand, but I knew he was always right so I did as I was told. 

I then came to in the hospital room.  Trust me when I say, “I came back to what?”  I awoke not remembering anything!  All I knew is my left shoulder was toast!



May 28, 2016

Start by updating on my mama. She’s still having dizzy spells. Cause unknown.  Ask for continued thoughts please?

I have not posted a personal diary post  lately.  Figured on rest day what a better day to do so!  I only took a rest day due to extreme muscle spasms in my right lat. 

As you all know me taking a rest day is hard.  I did foam rolling twice today, & when I’m done posting I’m going for the final roll! 

Tonight’s post is simply an update on my progress & a thank you to a new sponsor. 

Thank you to Inception Labs for believing in me.  They are not supplements, but they are a great company & I’m proud & honored to be a part of their team.

These are my 4 week progress photos, after my first pic being from the very beginning!





That’s all for this diary post.  Thank you for the continued support of fans & fit fam!  Hoping to compete again first of next year if not this fall.

I just need the cash flow to get the suit & extra expenses.  Wish the workout Gods would drop someone at my doorstep like they did Inception!  God works in mysterious ways!

HOLD strong!  Battle Tested

My Secret To My Delts!




I know these pictures are just horrible of me, but sometimes you just need to see a real person in their nonmakeup wearing state.  Plus, the point of the pictures are my delts anyways!

Who doesn’t love the great and amazing delt day?  Shoulder day is my favorite day, & some weeks I have to keep myself from doing delts every day.  How funny would I look with nothing but huge shoulders?

I get the question from both males and females.  The question is, what is my favorite shoulder day workout?  So! here is my favorite deltoid workout!








The weight you start out with should burn at 15.  If you wanted to do 20 -25 reps on the first set, that’s perfectly fine.  Burner sets are a great way to get those muscle fibers in action for better hytrophy. 

I think there’s nothing sexier on a man or woman than nice shoulders.  It’s my first look when I see someone, what kind of shape are their shoulders in!

GYM TALK: “What Is A Superset?”


When you Google the word superset this is what comes up:


So by terms of the gym, supersets are when two exercises are performed in a row without stopping.  There’s no rule saying you have to rush from one exercise to the other. Supersets are not done for time.  At first, some find endurance to be an issue, but the more you work at it the better your endurance will get. 

There are two options when it comes to supersets.  You can do supersets working the same muscle, or you can do supersets by working two different muscle groups.

Some examples of supersets working the same muscles are:
Rear Delts + Lateral Raises
Goblet Squats + Sumo Squats
Deadlifts + Suspended Hamstring Pullins
Crunches + Situps

Some examples of supersets working two different muscles are:
Hammer Curls + Weighted Tricep Dips
Deadlifts + Squats
Bicycle Crunches + Situps
Lateral Raises + Renegade Rows

The best thing about working two different muscle groups with supersets is in between each set the muscle will get a short break.

Supersets are some of my favorite workouts to do. I find that I get the most results out of a good couple of different superset exercises.  Some workouts I concentrate on a single muscle group. There are some workouts that I will do two muscle groups in a super set. I try to vary them in my workouts, & I seem to get the most results that way.

Some of my favorite supersets are lateral raises combined with front raises, any squat combined with any lunge, & and when doing core I always do the same muscle group.  My favorite two muscle groups to work in a superset is shoulders and back.  Every superset will consist of anywhere between 4 to 8 sets.  The reps on each set can vary between 10 to 15. When I’m pulling 8 sets, my reps can be only between 2 and 5 reps in a set at the end. It’s always wise to rest 2 minutes between each set. Your muscles need time to reset.

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